The folk recipe to ease itching of vaginitis quickly.

Women with low immunity or long-term usage of antibiotics may develop fungal vaginitis. Trichomonas vaginitis is normally brought on by poor cleansing, and some seniors, as a result of lower levels of estrogen, cause poor resistance, may cause vaginal inflammation.

Treatment of vaginitis.

1. oral medications. Patients employed to treat it with antibiotics. But when people regularly apply it, it's going to slow up the body's immunity and form drug dependence. so people are unable to treat it with antibiotics for some time.

2. Topical lotion or vaginal rinse. You may feel better after vaginal rinse, but and then, you continue to have symptoms. this method can't cure this condition. It is only temporary relief. Long-term use can also cause imbalance of vaginal flora, causing repeated attacks of vaginitis.

Folk treatment.
30 grams of dried wormwood leaves into the water, boiled rich in heat, cook for ten to fifteen minutes on low heat, filter off the leaves following your fire is switched off, pour the juice into the pots or buckets, and Fumigated pudendal for 20 minutes. Finally, clean the vulva with hot water of wormwood.

Washing the genitals with water of wormwood features a very good influence on various vaginitis, some individuals can cure itchy just after using, and severe patients will take effect after 3 days.

Vaginitis patients usually make this happen.

1. Wash your underwear separately. Do not put underwear and also other clothes together to stop cross infection.

2. look closely at good personal hygiene, clean genitals with tepid to warm water each day, underwear ought to be changed frequently.

3. don't frequently use gynecological lotion, this can only cause acid-base imbalance, increase inflammation.

4. wearing loose cotton underwear. Tight chemical fiber underwear just isn't breathable, can make the local temperature and humidity increase, that are probably to cause mold of growth.

5. focus on public health. Do not use a public bathtub, toilet outside, stained is the most suitable to utilize paper towels before using.