How should vaginitis of patients do?

Normal women's vagina has a natural beneficial flora, which includes certain resistance to the invading of external bacteria. When the "protective layer" with the vagina is destroyed, it is possible to develop vaginitis. What should perform after you have vaginitis?
1. change the vaginal pH. Vaginitis is frequently brought on by the invasion of Candida albicans. The most suitable pH value for Candida growth is 5.5. Therefore, the vulva and vagina are washed having an alkaline treatment for customize the pH with the vagina, that will inhibit the development and reproduction of mold. You are able to use 2% to 4% baking soda to wash the vagina, a few times every day, two weeks for a procedure. After washing, dry the vulva and the vulva dry to inhibit the development of Candida.
2. Vaginal medicine. The use of some suppositories for vaginal features a good effect on fungal vaginitis. people will use drugs paste outside simultaneously to alleviate the signs and symptoms of genital itching, however these two methods are often attractive compare superficial vaginitis, not suitable for severe vaginitis.
3. oral antibiotics. Because mold infection might be transmitted together through sex, it may be treated by oral administration, and oral medication also can inhibit intestinal candida. However, patients who take antibiotics for the long time may develop potential to deal with antibiotics.
4. Chinese medicine treatment. The use of drugs with heat-clearing and detoxifying, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory can inhibit the reduction of Candida, for example Chinese medicine Fuyan pills. Reduce the signs of genital itching, burning pain, and abnormal vaginal discharge. Usually this process of treatments for vaginitis also can are likely involved in inhibiting the recurrence of vaginitis. The incidence of vaginitis is quite high, but timely treatment also can be cured. Do not delay treatment and cause inflammation with the infection and get a new cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries as well as other parts, so as not to cause more dangerous gynecological diseases.